Soul Fire: A Story of Spring

Once upon a time, a purple being the color of night at the edge of dawn, landed in a busy mall and began walking her tallness down into human shoes. She walked through that place of comings and goings and continued along a residential street. The first person to walk with her was her Mother. They arrived at a house of friends and separated inside to wander and mingle through the party. The purple being, now a peach human, recognized one of her own kind, also in human form and they happily embraced, laughed and rolled on the floor in delight. But they were not to stay together and Peach found herself wandering around the house of friendly but noisy faces.

Outside, in the backyard of stones, trees and flowers, she took some ease and felt herself again. But, she knew something was missing. Who, what, where and how were an empty space waiting to be filled. Suddenly, the faintest flutter, just a whisper of a whoosh! and a spark of desire ignited in her heart, a tiny flame in that vast empty space. The Sky saw it and blessed that little flame, the Trees nourished it with their breath and the Earth lay in waiting, ready to provide and respond to Peach’s burgeoning desires.

Fed by the Sky, the Breath and the Earth, Peach’s blossoming Soul Fire set her ablaze with a hunger to know who, where, what and how. Why? Because Love is and Love does, that’s why. So, she set out, singing to her new friends, the Sky, the Trees and the Earth. And they answered! They matched her song note for note, filling that empty space with people, places, adventures, laughter, pain, challenge, reward, beauty, loss, comfort, healing and discovery. Sometimes her song was loud and clear; sometimes she couldn’t find the notes and would have to hold still while the soothing rhythm of her own breath and heart took the reins and carried her through. For in the beat of her heart and the rhythm of her breath, Peach’s Soul Fire burned on, flaming and flickering, leaping and glowing in the ecstatic dance of Life.

In the end, when Peach walked out of her human shoes and gave her breath back to the Trees, her Soul Fire blazed purple and she melted into the night at the edge of dawn. But the Sky and Trees and Earth remember her song and they sing it every Spring, a Soul Fire Symphony of colors and whirls, fruits and flowers, buzzes and babies, flaming in the ecstatic dance of Life. Now isn’t that a Peach?

Dreaming Herself Anew

January 19, 2017

What of the Earth, our Mother?

She is “getting ready for bed.” Stripping off the tattered, dirty, stained, threadbare layers of her outer garments. Brushing her teeth and combing out the tangles in her hair before she bathes. She will cleanse her body and consciousness of all that has been so she may dream herself anew. Her bones will shift and realign in the water. Her heart will steady and its rhythm will soothe, heal and restore harmony throughout her body. Her pores will open and purge the poisons she has endured and her skin will become young and radiant again. Sleeping in her own watery womb, Mother to herself, she will dream of the new day, the new life that will spring forth from her.

Will we survive the bath and the great sleep? Will anything, plant and animal survive as it is now?

Perhaps. Dream with her, cleanse with her for you are a part of her and you will see the new day, the new robes, as splendid and marvelous as ever! You could adorn her like precious jewels if you choose. (I’m instantly treated to a vision of what humans on the Earth might look like from afar if we were living at our highest. We gleam and sparkle catching the eyes of celestial beings that look with love and joy upon our beautiful blue planet. Could we be such a gift?)

What kind of time span are we talking about here? This sounds like it could take millions of years!

That’s why your ascension is vital. You could go with her as she has already offered to you, deep inside herself while the outer layers transform. Or you could rise and watch over her as she sleeps. You could have many “lifetimes” in other forms, dimensions and civilizations, learning and growing in the vast Oneness.

Don’t we all “rise” when we die? Doesn’t everyone have the choice to move on somewhere else when the spirit is free from the body?

You would if you did not bind yourself to Earth with the wounds of duality. You’ve seen how Soul parts get “stuck.” Those who are “stuck” here will go through the cleansing, healing and dreaming process with her. It is not a punishment. It is one path among many. They may not be human when she wakes. They will take form according to the level of their consciousness, purified but perhaps much simpler, even to the most basic elements and minerals.

So how do we ascend?

Short answer: Forgive everyone and everything, especially yourself, and Love. Learn to vibrate love on all levels and in all directions. Be Love, See Love. Let that be your only Truth no matter what shit looks like. There are countless spiritual and consciousness practices to help you. Wake up to your own Truth. Heal the deep wounds of Self: fears, insecurities and perceived “flaws” – anything that makes you feel separated from Love. There are healers of all kinds to help you! The duality-reality that has existed since the current round of human incarnation on Earth was intentional but it’s fulfilled its purpose. That’s why people are “waking up.”

Isn’t that funny? People are waking up as the Earth is preparing for sleep?

Makes perfect sense. The waking up is in preparation for the next phase which is not about ending duality but transcending it. Understanding its function and operating intentionally in it and with it without being subject to it. To have unity consciousness in a world of unique and individuated forms – what joy! What delight! What revelry! What creative ecstasy! To love it all, embrace it all, deserts, mountains, oceans, sun, rain, union, solitude, the lush extravagance of abundance, the weightless freedom of sparsity, the brilliance of an intuitive mind or one so filled with nonsense that flashes of genius like no other erupt from time to time and you never know when so you love and care for this one who comes from the One as you do. What bubbling fun life would be if you did not fear each other or the different paths you walk! To ascend is to love it all and not be bound by any of it.


November 28 -30, 2016

Please be patient with my ramble. Meridian comes through at the end.

I found a fascinating and powerful meditation on youtube by Wayne Dyer with music by James Twyman called “The Most Powerful Meditation You Can Do!” The music is the sound frequency of the name of God, I AM THAT I AM, and you mentally or aloud chant that mantra, basically claiming your own divinity and alignment with God or Source energy. What I know of the basic Christian idea of God has never been relatable for me. It’s too broad or too cheesy. Too prone to human fallacy.

I’ve been doing the I AM meditations every day for a couple weeks now. I’m very curious to know, what is I AM THAT I AM? What is this God Being represented here? It’s occurred to me that maybe there is some Creator Being, an ideal of love, fulfillment, compassion and ingenuity that cares about us and how we’re doing but it Itself is a smaller component of the Infinite All – the unlimited and all-inclusive everything and nothing, the Great Mystery.

I would like to know this God who may be forgotten or maligned or who may have abandoned humanity as a lost cause. What am I aligning to when I vibrate I AM THAT I AM? Who holds the experience of wishes and desires fulfilled? Of all “good” and “right” things coming to pass? Of life thriving in joy and abundance? Is that real? Because I’ve never heard of any part of human history that didn’t include pain, loss, war, brutality, corruption and suffering. As far as I can tell, we are the most violent and destructive species on the planet. Perhaps also the most heroic and compassionate but it seems to take tragedy to bring out the best in us. What is that about? I can always fall back on, “Oh, we’re still learning how to succeed at being human.” but isn’t it possible there are some major design flaws in the human species?

I have experienced “God.” I’ve felt the presence, power, force and energy of God but who and what IS S/HE? The divine and perfect human Spirit? The ideal and perfection that we seek to experience and express? Did God create this world and us so that H/She could inhabit a physical realm? Feel, touch, see, hear and taste? Have humans hidden the Truth of God under all the images they’ve wanted God to be? A humble self-sacrificer; a fair and impartial judge and jury; a strict and sometimes angry father; a loving mother, a hateful, vengeful destroyer; a blood-thirsty warrior; a healing comfort; a loving grace, merciful and forgiving; a deliverer of punishment and reward..? All the names and faces of God…

Is God a neutral energy upon which we project an image or identity of what we will God into being in our lives and in ourselves? Or, is God a conscious Being, independent of our opinions, stories and beliefs but who can play into our opinions, stories and beliefs? Where do our opinions, stories and beliefs (OSB’s) come from? Chicken and the egg: our experiences create our OSB’s and our OSB’s create our experiences. So, it stands to reason that our power lies in choosing our OSB’s because we can’t always choose our experiences, at least not consciously.

OK… but WHAT  and WHO is God? A circle? A spiral? An inventive Creator in a God garage? A craftsman/woman and an alchemist? Does God care about us? Is God guiding us according to a “plan?” Or, are we careening ourselves out of existence? Or, is that the plan? People seem to be moving in one of two directions. Self-destruction or “higher” consciousness. Perhaps the human spectrum of experience doesn’t just end for the body and that’s it. Maybe the ends of the human bandwidth melt into lower frequency consciousness on one end and higher frequency consciousness (angels, ascended masters, other forms of existence?) on the other. If someone’s consciousness goes lower (caused by extreme trauma, addictions, violence, etc.), the body degrades and eventually self-destructs but if the consciousness heightens, the body releases physical form as its energy ascends, which, technically, is also a self-destruction.

OK, but WHAT IS GOD??? Is there a God or is there “just the way things are?” I’ve gotten to know and trust my Spirits, my team, my allies and helpers but I don’t think they are “God.” I think there is a distinction between God and Source, Universe, Love, Great Mystery… God is a conscious being with an agenda. And, I think God’s great desire is to know the Bliss, Beauty and Ecstasy of Itself. It is a selfish God or self-absorbed rather, but not in a bad way. God is Him/Herself asking “Who am I?”, “What am I?” We and this world are providing the answers. Well, fuck, God, there’s a lot of what you are not happening here. What are you going to do about it? How much contrast and duality do you need to figure yourself out?

God or every good thing you think God is will not force Him/Herself upon you. H/She comes by invitation. You may have been born with certain aspects of God intact: excellent health, strong body, beauty, intelligence, a kind, loving open and compassionate heart, creative, artistic, musical talents, a do-right character… but you likely aren’t “gifted” with all of the above. You may need to work harder to embody God in some ways. Even with the inherent “gifts”, if you do not allow the Spirit of God or God-consciousness into your consciousness, those gifts will never be as awesome as they could be and they may even cause harm because they’ll likely be abused by the ego. Prayer, meditation, spiritual practices and disciplines that cleanse and purify the mind, body and soul; laughter, delight, pure joy, unconditional love, faith and trust are the invitations to God to live in and through you.

Just like banks and the government say they will never contact you for your personal info – you must provide it appropriately of your own free will; that’s a God policy. Scammers who want to take from you and possibly control your identity are like the lies you believe about yourselves, God and others that embed in the ego or small mind and try to run the show. They are too limited and dysfunctional to do it very well though so things eventually end up in chaos. That’s why people remember God in the trenches, on their deathbed or in extreme hardship. The lies have exposed themselves and been proven false. Illusions. Brittle shells of pretend God. Bits and pieces of God are everywhere and exist in everybody but to fully experience God, you must invite Him/Her in and be wise and rigorous enough to discern the real God from inflated ego energy. 

God wealth and abundance is generous, inclusive and expansive. God love and relationships are uplifting, supportive and nourishing. God strength and power is constructive, productive, harmonious and protective. God beauty is kind, gracious and inspiring. God intelligence is honest, understanding, patient and serves the good of all. God play is delightful, innocent, creative and refreshing.

God is everything that supports, uplifts, nourishes and serves the good of all. 


Nine Venus Pillars Of Ascension

November 18, 2015

A few nights ago, a dream voice said, “Venus Pillars Of Ascension.” Today, for a different reason, I ventured into a heart-healing journey that took place in a circular chamber deep inside an ancient white temple. During the journey, Venusian Priestesses appeared to facilitate my healing. When the healing was finished, nine white pillars appeared around me and I spent time with each one discovering what they all were.

To my best understanding, these are the ways our Souls and Spirits connect and/or reunite with the Divine during our human experience.

1. The first one I touched scared me so I visited the rest before coming back to this one. The energy in and of the pillar was moving so fast it began sucking my fingertips up with it. I let go immediately. I didn’t touch it again but I eventually understood what it was: The Ultimate Sacrifice. Giving your life for another, martyrdom, fighting to the death for something you believe in.

2. Evenly spaced blue energy “rings” pulse up at a much slower pace. Steady, gentle and rhythmic. It is the energy of Selfless Service, Unconditional Love, Compassion, Karma Yoga

3. Floating Shimmers: At first, I couldn’t tell how the ascension happened. Maybe it’s the way particles disappear and appear somewhere else. It feels like what I think an ecstatic hallucinogenic experience might be. (I’ve never had one.) This one felt like it would be very easy to go nowhere… but then I got it. It IS Ecstatic Trance but the ceremonial kind, not recreational drug-induced. Ritual practices like Vision Quests, Sweat Lodges, intense breath work, deep meditation, mantra chanting, ecstatic dance, etc. You do kind-of disappear in one dimension and reappear in another in those experiences.

4. The Weaving: I see afghans of all different colors inside this pillar. People in Community, Weaving, Connection, Support, Strength in Unity. We ascend when we connect and unite with each other.

5. Sporadic Fireworks Explosions: Must be those rare, dramatic (or traumatic) life-changing moments and events. Car Accidents or Physical Injury, Near Death Experiences, the Moment of Triumph after a long struggle, Having a Baby, Losing Someone Dear…

6. Entwined Spirals: Two energy beams spiral around each other up and up, faster and faster until they become a single vibrating blur. Take a wild guess! True Love, Soul Union, Partnership of Equals

7. The Mystery: It seems empty, void and still but it is not nothing. It is the Space Between All Things and takes tremendous practice to spend time there.

8. The Climb: Step by step, this one is more mechanical in its ascension process like gears clicking into place. It is slow but full of rich experience.

9. The Families: the slowest ascending of all the pillars, this one is generational. I saw a broad platform in the pillar with many people on it having all of their life experiences together. It is the ascension of a bloodline or a whole family. It includes the passages of birth and death. I don’t understand it totally but I know it is so slow because it waits for all the people to move up together at a pace everyone can handle.


October 16, 2015

That longing feeling in the heart, that heavy emptiness that will not be fooled or satisfied by anything other than exactly what it wants, what is that? What is really going on there?

There are two main things happening. A song is being sent out and a space is being held open to receive. Your Soul is sending out a song through your heart because the energy of the heart can reach the farthest. It is a song of attraction and will attract an exact match to its vibrational qualities but to receive the desired “object,” the way in must be open and empty. Energetically holding empty space is difficult because it is your nature to be whole and fulfilled. It takes courage, strength, faith, trust and discipline to withstand the processes of growth and manifestation. 

Many people sacrifice quality in an attempt to fill the hole but they are never satisfied. Your work is to strengthen and extend the power of your heart (Love) to sustain the song and send it out. And, you must also clarify and purify your song so that your vibrational signal is free of doubts, fears and wounds. Sometimes though, it is necessary to attract a “wound” in order to heal and clear it from your field. That also requires love, faith acceptance plus an ability to identify that that is what’s happening.

The song largely projects itself – that’s desire. The advanced work is consciously refining and purifying your song. The main work is sustaining the open channel. The feeling of emptiness is often misunderstood by humans because it’s uncomfortable and can feel very much like loss and despair. To cultivate a welcoming and expectant emptiness – that is your direction. Fear and despair (hopelessness) closes the door. The song goes out but nothing is allowed in except more fear and despair.

Faith, trust and patience. Faith that your song has an answer, trust that your song is true and patience with the process: these are the workings of the Mysteries of Life. 


Just The Paths You Choose

July 26, 2016

One of my dearest friends tragically lost a brother today and the sound of a heart breaking filled my ears. I cried with my friend feeling the hammer of Death pounding in my own body.

We come and we go but it’s not supposed to be like this, is it? So twisted, so complex, people so wounded that it takes even more tragedy to wake them up? If it doesn’t shut them down completely. Is this how it’s supposed to be Meridian?

No, my love, there is no “supposed to be.” There are just the paths you choose and create.

The straight and narrow is no better than the detoured, dead-end, round-about scenic route. It’s just different and they all end up in the beginning again. You’re not a sheep so you don’t understand the sheep mentality. The machine of society operates by safety in numbers. So, a trend gets started and the herd follows. The trend of comfort, convenience, consumerism and disposability looked, sounded and felt like a great idea and many glorious creations have arisen from it. Many rich and vital experiences were had but as with all natural cycles, when something exceeds its usefulness and limits, disease and dysfunction set in and people suffer. Systems fail, chaos and confusion reign and people struggle to find balance in a crumbling society. Eventually, new leaders with new visions, new trends, will rise and the sheep will follow until that cycle has also been fulfilled.

Choose the path of Love. Find your Truth and live it. Then you won’t be hurt by the rise and fall because it will serve you instead of wreck you. 

Swallow The Bitter Pill

May 13, 2015

Swallow the bitter pill

What does that mean?

You’re not hearing us because you don’t like what we’re saying right now. (A few weeks have gone by. I’ve initiated conversation and asked questions but no answers came.)

Alright, tell me about the “loss of control.” (Referring to his statement in the previous post, The Shiners)

You’ve lost control of your health, your population, your emotions, your industry, your technology, your minds… You’ve spun so out of harmony with your planetary ecosystems, you’ve literally pulled the rug out from underneath yourselves. The path of humanity has become one of desperation. (Pause) You’re thinking of climactic earth and weather events. (Yes, I am.)  It’s a matter of frequency; the more “problems” and chaos there are among humans, the more the earth and weather reflect your troubles. So few of you realize how powerful you are; how deeply and intensely you affect your environments, consciously and mostly unconsciously.

Wait a minute, the Earth has gone through many changes before humans ever got here.

Yes, but for the most part she had settled into a harmonious and thriving interlocking system of environments with major events causing relatively little or rare damage to human civilization. But now, there are so many people that you have built cities and communities all over her danger zones. And, the energy of humanity is like weather upon the Earth; you flood, tornado, volcano, tear apart, rage and burn. The weather, like everything else on this Earth is a mirror or measure of your behavior, growth, choices and actions. Everything outside of you has a purpose unto itself but one primary function is to teach you by consequence and repercussion that you are a part of a greater and very sensitive whole. 

Trees turn sunlight into green and oxygen; they provide shade, homes, protection and more. Flowers and plants provide sweetness, food, medicine and beauty. Animals do all of their cool animal things. What are we supposed to do?

Create beauty. Be Love. Live Love. Consciously further evolution. Embellish and enhance the natural world. Steward the Earth. Combine the elements of Life in new ways. Create such a powerful vibratory Song of Earth that it rings out into the Universe, healing, inspiring and bringing joy to all the worlds and beings around you.

Well that’s only happening in a small percentage, isn’t it? The golden butterflies in the lead and the few Shiners scattered in the rubble?

Maybe a few is all it takes.

Takes to do what?

Keep going. Survive.

Sounds like we’re capable of and meant to do more than survive.

Survival is no small task as you know. I could tell you all kinds of stories about the purpose of humanity, all true and none absolutely true but you already know better…

Yeah, go back to the bitter pill. What do I not want to hear?

The same thing no one wants to hear – the trouble you’re in.

I see it! I feel it! I’m even a fucking part of it! I’m well aware of the shitty part of humanity. I need SOLUTION! No one helpful wants to hear the rant. We want to know how we can be effective, productive and useful in transforming the old and changing our ways!

My dear… your whole life has been a training of unpopularity and rejection. You have the power, the skill and the knowledge to speak the hard truth and you have the courage and strength to not be liked for it.

What am I supposed to say that hasn’t been said a thousand times before?

Say it again, in YOUR words. You’re beautiful. You’re likable and genuine. You can reach peoples’ hearts. You can re-collect the tiny points of light in those particles with truth and integrity.

You just said I wouldn’t be liked for what I have to say!

Some will love you. Many will despise you. More won’t care or won’t hear you. But you must speak your truth, come what may. Speak with Love, shine your own truth and let that be enough.

Why? Why rake myself over the coals for something that may be pointless and that I may not even be able to do very well. I’m not much of a force in humanity – I don’t seem to be very effective on that scale.

How big or small your effect is on the world is none of your business. Raising consciousness is who you are. 

The Shiners

April 9, 2015

In my night’s dream, I stood in the middle of the road looking up at an endless stream of round-winged golden butterflies, billions of them coursing across the deep night sky far above. The 30 or so in the lead were spaced a little ways apart and spear-headed the massive stream. Immediately following the leaders, the butterflies became so dense they were hard to distinguish. As I watched, I realized that they were fighting and smashing into each other, pulverizing into dull yellow particles and bits of dust. Amidst the dirty clouds I could still make out whole, bright, shining butterflies here and there throughout the racing stream. I knew that I was witnessing the path of humanity and stared in stunned silence.

Meridian, is that stream of butterflies really us?

You know it is.

So, we’re hurtling through existence like a burning comet, bits and pieces flying off and disintegrating every second?

That’s what we call hell bent on self-destruction.

What about the 30 some bright ones in the lead? Who are they?

They are the successful evolutionary leaders of your time. The ones that “get it.” The Dalai Lama, Pema Chodron, Jerry and Esther Hicks, Michael B. Beckwith, Eckhart, Thich Nhat Hahn and more. You might not be in the lead but you shine like them. There are millions of Shiners scattered throughout the stream – they’re just hard to see through the dust and chaos from so far away. In fact, if you get close enough, you can see the spark of Light in every pulverized dust particle. Yes, even blown to bits, each particle still has light but it’s weak and ineffectual. Unless an external, healing, organizing influence of energy re-members and gathers the particles into a new system, each particle will sit as a tiny point of light for a long, long, long time until two things happen:

1. It becomes solid in itself as Light  (it remembers its truth)    

2. Another point or body of Light happens to drift close enough for their miniscule attraction (gravity) to be activated and they join

Obvious question: Why are we “hell bent on self-destruction?”

That’s what happens when you lose control. It’s a built-in mechanism – part of Nature’s balance. As you saw, the fighting and destruction doesn’t slow down your evolution at all – it just breaks down the “bodies” into smaller, simpler parts that will go through the process of reassembling once a strong enough vibrational alignment beam or field realigns the particles into harmonious arrangement.

This sounds like we could be living in a filthy mess for a long time; a dust cloud of dismembered particles waiting for a quantum leap of consciousness to reform.

That is one possibility. Those individuals who aren’t self-destructing are able to make the evolutionary jumps into a new vibrational alignment and once there are enough individuals sustaining that vibration, it will have the power to reform the particles according to its own system fairly quickly. The key is for each individual to sustain and maintain. There’s quite a bit of forward-backward steps happening right now – even in you, my sweet. More forward than backward but you know what I’m talking about. (Yes, I recognize my own fwd-bkwd stumbles.) For humanity to not go all the way back to the drawing board, the capable ones MUST understand that EVERY CHOICE COUNTS. Every step must be a commitment to growth, Love, evolution, health, peace, compassion and joy.

That’s too much pressure! We, or at least I, can’t be “good” all the time! Just feeling what you’re saying right now is hurting my head and making me tired.

Living in bliss does not make you tired, my dear. It’s fighting against the attachments to the old ways that zaps your energy. It’s like the rings on a playground; you can’t let go of the one behind until you have a bead on the next one ahead but if you don’t move fast enough, you tire and fall. You must keep going. We are here to help you if you invite us to participate. That is the first challenge. The second is to trust us. 


Highest Potential

March 23, 2015

Greed and war and people killing each other over money and possession… Why? Why does this happen? (Some new violence must’ve appeared in the media around this time.)

Mandy, everything is sourced from Love but evolution moves in all directions and only a small percentage of the products, the creations are able to sustain themselves successfully. That doesn’t make the rest less important or less valuable. Their experience also drives the Whole towards greater capacity and expression of Love. 

So, it is unreasonable for me to expect all humans to someday become conscious of and live the Truth of themselves? (I believe the Truth of everything to be Love but it isn’t always expressed as such.)

Yes and no. There are people incapable of becoming conscious of who they really are because they are serving a different function, at least in this lifetime. They are in service to the Whole by finding out what doesn’t work.

Well, we have a LOT of that going on right now and it SUCKS! (I’m very frustrated on this day.)

However, they are feeding useful information into the system which furthers successful growth elsewhere.

So there are masses of people doomed to pain, war, violence, ignorance and suffering? Something’s not right here. We all have choice. The light could turn on for anyone!

Yes, but not all can understand that and the light won’t turn on for everyone. That is why respect and compassion for all is crucial. Each person can learn and grow according to their unique capacity and ability in their lifetime. You are only limited by your judgments and beliefs but every human, by nature, has them and you are limited.

This sounds pretty shitty.

No human can accurately ascertain another individual’s capacity for growth and enlightenment so you must look at everyone with equal possibility and potential because that DOES exist for everyone. It is a growing minority that stumbles upon it – or fights for it. You don’t know who or when so you hold space for the highest potential for everyone. If everyone did that, you’d cut out almost all of the suffering in the world. There is SO much unnecessary pain among humans. That is where you and your work can be effective and make a difference. And, that is where it is not unreasonable for you to expect significant growth in human consciousness. The conditions of human life can improve, most definitely. And they are. Hold to your highest potential and uplift others to theirs.  

Monsters of the Moon

January 5, 2015

I have recently returned from a road trip through the stunning Southwest. One blizzardy afternoon, my companion and I drove through an eerie section of land that progressively weighed us all down into heavy silence. Even the two, full-of-life German Shepherds with us went still with lowered heads as we traveled miles and miles through the desolate, gray-green barren crags. It reminded me of Mordor in Lord of the Rings. I knew this place had a purpose but I’d never experienced anything like it before. If I believed in evil the way most people do, I would’ve said it was evil.

Meridian, what was that land we drove through that was so strange and uncomfortable?

A world, a realm, a place that provides a space of healing. It is one place on Earth among several where seriously debilitated and injured Souls, spirits and entities go to do their healing work. These Souls and spirits must undergo an intense stripping process until there is nothing left except their bare and brave lights of purity. Then, they are released into the Oneness to begin the individuation process again. These places aren’t for growth and creativity and thus, it is not advantageous for normally functioning humans to be there. Part of the nature of the human “guardians” who live there (nearby farms, ranches and residents on the outskirts of the territory) is to repel human activity and attention. Native peoples instinctively knew to stay away from places like these.

Ok, thank you. Do you know why I’m not having happy dreams even though I’m feeling really happy inside? (Dreams of human violence and brutality had been coming regularly, going on a couple months now.)

My dear, people are no longer able to suppress or hide from their Monsters of the Moon (all the fears, wounds and insecurities that get stuffed down into the unconscious). You are being allowed to see what others are terrified of in themselves and those around them BECAUSE you’re in a happy, safe place inside. You are seeing more and more clearly the ever-widening gap between the choices to love and open and the choices to fear and close off. It is strengthening your desire and resolve to offer solution and transformation to people who are ready for change. Your happy dreams are in no danger and will return in time.

OK, good! Alright, I need to ask again… Is our Mother Earth in pain, anywhere, in any way because of our human actions?

Only living organisms with nervous systems are capable of feeling pain. Even if you did manage to blow the whole planet to smithereens the Earth Mother Spirit would continue to create, form and inhabit a new body. Pain exists in the plane of physical life as a survival mechanism. Emotional pain is limited to the animal kingdom although not every species has that advanced capacity. Spiritual pain is the agony of believing in separation and only humans are capable of believing lies. At least on your planet.

Your beautiful, creative, unparalleled Earth Mother is not in pain. She is a Spirit of Pleasure and Beauty and nothing or no one will ever change that. Your Earth Relations are in pain though. As natural environments shrink and become more and more toxic, plants, animals and humans will suffer. Eventually, you’ll either die off or make the necessary changes. The body of Earth will go through changes and transformations but She doesn’t feel pain, physical or emotional, in the way you’re asking.

Thank you Meridian, that brings me peace.